Star anise soars into stratosphere due to crop decline

Most of the colour dyeing was being done by exporters in Vietnam, the under the EU legislation exporters only have to declare the presence of sulphur dioxide if the content of this allergen exceeds the permitted limit of 10 parts per million (ppm). Star anise is the main ingredient in the prescription drug Tamiflu…READ MORE

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EU responds quickly to spice scare

Vietnam using the non-approved colourant chrysoidine in whole star anise are exclusive to Vietnam’s sales to India, but have warned end users to be on the lookout just in case. The potential contamination of whole star anise from Vietnam after the…READ MORE

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Poor Asian crops helps star anise rebound

GLOBAL prices of star anise could be set to rebound from a recent price crash due to far smaller crops in Vietnam. Vietnamese star anise production is also thought to be 40% lower than the previous year…READ MORE

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Vietnam is latest country to fuel star anise sales

VIETNAM has become the latest country to give a boost to global star anise demand by announcing that its scientists have extracted shikimic acid from the fruit as part of a process to create anti-bird flu drug Tamiflu. The Vietnamese scientists claim that they are making between 6.5 and seven…READ MORE

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